Are there any smoking areas in the hotel?

It is only allowed on the terrace of the rooms in the fourth floor that are smokers rooms.

The hotel has a garage with a limited number of parking places. The use of the garage has an additional cost and it can only be used through face-to-face reservation on the hotel’s reception.

Yes. All our hotels have room for storing luggage before check-in and after check-out.

Parking has a cost per day. Please check with the reception about the different prices.

No. The use of the parking depends on the availability at the time of arrival.

Pets are not allowed.

Yes. The hotel has two meeting rooms with a capacity between 10 and 75 people.


Yes. The hotel has 2 lifts for guests.

Charger for eletric cars are available.

Yes. The hotel has internet free access by wi-fi system.

Yes. The hotel has lobby bar.

Yes. Laundry service is available in normal and express service.

Please contact the hotel and request it.

The objects left at the hotel rooms are registered and stored for a 6 months period after the check-out. Contact the hotel to check if your lost belongings were found.

Notify us that you give consent for the hotel to keep your contacts (name and email) to send you offers and campaigns.

Yes, the Wyndham Rewards Programme. You will find information about the programme at this link: https://www.wyndhamhotels.com/wyndham-rewards.

You may find information regarding more hotels of the Hoti Hoteis brand here: www.hotihoteis.com.